Tuesday 12 May 2020

Max's covid lock-down

                                                                             What Max's Covid lock-
                                                                               down looks like

The first couple of weeks: For the first couple of weeks i didn't really know what to do, so i spent all day in my room on my computer. I communicated with my friends via a app called Discord.
  I also really enjoy streaming, recording videos in my free time and editing videos. I create servers on discord and invite people to play online events where i give out prices to the winners. To have as many people join my events i live stream them on Twitch ( i was very surprised because i gained around 470 followers just by playing video games).
Twitch - Twitch 

What i like doing outside during lock-down:  When i go outside i mostly go to the small park in my street. I have a neighbour which is 1 year younger than me but we go along really well. We talk, play and mess around every time we are outside. 
This is the park in my street: 
For breakfast i mostly eat juice and mini pancakes with Canadian Maple Syrup.  

For lunch i eat or a  ham and cheese toast or i order from some where; like KFC.

For dinner my family orders from a business ran by a very nice dutch family, which cook all kinds of dishes, just like; Indian curry, Fish dishes, Swedish meat balls, soup and many more.


When my parents go for long walks i rather stay home. But sometimes they want me to go because i spend way to much time inside. And i agree with them, its not very healthy to sit in one chair all day and just go outside with a friend for 30 minutes.