Tuesday 12 May 2020

Max's covid lock-down

                                                                             What Max's Covid lock-
                                                                               down looks like

The first couple of weeks: For the first couple of weeks i didn't really know what to do, so i spent all day in my room on my computer. I communicated with my friends via a app called Discord.
  I also really enjoy streaming, recording videos in my free time and editing videos. I create servers on discord and invite people to play online events where i give out prices to the winners. To have as many people join my events i live stream them on Twitch ( i was very surprised because i gained around 470 followers just by playing video games).
Twitch - Twitch 

What i like doing outside during lock-down:  When i go outside i mostly go to the small park in my street. I have a neighbour which is 1 year younger than me but we go along really well. We talk, play and mess around every time we are outside. 
This is the park in my street: 
For breakfast i mostly eat juice and mini pancakes with Canadian Maple Syrup.  

For lunch i eat or a  ham and cheese toast or i order from some where; like KFC.

For dinner my family orders from a business ran by a very nice dutch family, which cook all kinds of dishes, just like; Indian curry, Fish dishes, Swedish meat balls, soup and many more.


When my parents go for long walks i rather stay home. But sometimes they want me to go because i spend way to much time inside. And i agree with them, its not very healthy to sit in one chair all day and just go outside with a friend for 30 minutes. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you guys want to check out my twitch ( you are not obligated )

    Here is the Link :https://www.twitch.tv/s8tan_zr

  3. I like the idea of ordering in every evening! Supports local business AND zero work for me :)

  4. Its a nice blog its cool and sadly i wont sub to your Twitch

  5. Its cool that you do what you like.

  6. I love how you made a separate part for food, it is the most important part of lock-down though...

  7. I would love to be in one of you're Livestream it's probably a great way to relax

  8. i like this blog. not going to subscribe tho, cuz i dont have twitch...

  9. The blog is really nice and I like that you are streaming, its pretty cool

  10. The building in your street looks amazing! Try drawing it, it would be calming!

    1. Iv'e attempted for a art lesson before and... it didnt go that well.. tanks though :)

  11. when are u going to stream

  12. Max this is a great blogs however remember that just that you are in lockdown does not mean you can do what you want, remeber to eat healthy and do the things our coach assigned us to do. Also congrats your twitch is going really well. Stay strong
